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At Locomotive, we're learning

At Locomotive, we believe that our greatest resource and the key to our success is our people. That's why it's important for us to offer activities, conferences and training opportunities to help our employees grow and develop, by improving what they have to offer, as well as their personal skills and abilities. Training sessions are an effective way to invest in the growth of a team - both personally and professionally.

By offering our employees the opportunity to take courses and get more knowledge, we decide to invest in people.

It is important to demonstrate to our employees that we value their place within the company. An employee who feels valued is much more likely to invest in his work and be dedicated to the agency.

Recently, we sent part of the team to New York City to attend an Awwwards conference on the best Web practices. We also welcomed Pangram Pangram Foundry to speak to us about typography, the evolution of fonts and its use in design and code. Finally, we often hold lunchtime training sessions to keep up to date on new technologies and the latest trends. These training sessions are led by employees who want to get more involved at the agency and share their knowledge with their colleagues.

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